St Faith’s at Strathpine is proud to have our own branch of Mother’s Union within the Dioceses of Brisbane. Check out the Diocese of Brisbane website for more information on Mother’s Union. Diocese of Brisbane – Anglican Mothers Union Australia (muaustralia.org.au)
Monthly Meeting
Each month the Mother’s Union Members here at St Faith’s gather for some time together, usually, on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am from March to November inclusive. Details of the next meeting can be found below. If you require more information, please contact the office. Ph 0493 400 447 or email office@stfaiths-strathpine.org.au

Retiring Collections

August 2023 Retiring Collection Update
Thank you to all who supported the Mother’s Union Retiring Collection – August 2023 a total of $295.00 was given. This has been sent to the Mothers Union Treasurer, who will combine all the giving of the MU Branches in the Deanery. This appeal is to support the work of Anglicare’s Pilot Rapid Response Program to help at risk kids to remain in their homes instead of being removed and placed into foster care.