Craft Group

Craft Group

The Craft Group meet on a Monday Morning from 9:30am in the Ministry Centre near the office. All ladies are welcome to come along, bring your craft project that you are working on and have some time with the ladies. A light morning tea is also shared. It is a great place to share and celebrate your creations along with seek advice if you are struggling with a project.

Our craft ladies also take donations of item to be sold at the Hypermarket Craft Stalls that they hold 3 to 5 times a year. See below for details on our next craft stall!

Craft Events

From time to time our Craft Ladies gather in the Hall here at St Faith’s to dedicate the time to their individual Craft Projects that they are working on.

Check back later for details on our next event.

Craft Stalls

Our Craft Ladies hold a store at the Aspley Hypermarket 3 to 5 times a year. They sell many different items at these stalls from baked goods, hanging Hand Towels along with other items created by our very talented Craft Ladies.

The dates for our Craft Stall in 2025:

Are still to be Confirmed

A massive thank you to all the crafters and bakers who made goods to be sold. Another massive thank you to all who assisted in serving and manning the store at the Hypermarket as without everyone’s efforts these stalls would not be possible.

Past Craft Projects

Last year, a group of dedicated Knitters & Crocheters from St. Faith’s put in significant effort to create 10cm Square projects, which were later joined together to form a decorative present for the Aspley Hypermarkets Christmas Display.
We successfully collected a large number of squares due to the hard work of everyone involved. This year,2023, the decoration can be viewed at the Aspley Hypermarket. Pictured left is an image of the medium-sized present adorned with the squares. Great job, team!